November 14

PP Investigation Video: Field Based Learning

During the PP Investigation Video assignment, I got to study field based learning a little more in depth. Field based learning is something that I feel is very important and needs to be added into our curriculum just a little bit more. Since being in school at Athens, the role of putting student learning into their hands and having them be responsible for the learning is relayed on a constant basis. I feel that field based learning encourages this! Putting our students out into the learning zone and having them put their hands on the concepts and things that they are learning builds a student’s want and willingness to expand their education. Field based learning is something that is already happening in our schools but not hardly enough because one of the disadvantages of field based learning is time. There is not enough time in the day to truly teach our students during a field based learning experience. It is imperative that we prepare our students as much as we can before we take them out into the field for the learning experience.

I really enjoyed looking into Field Based Learning in a more in depth process. This assignment was probably one of the more challenging that I have had because of the length of time that the video had to be. I had to search and continue to search for more information to put into my video. I am, however, grateful for the experience and look forward to using more of the same technology in the future for other assignments.

October 22

ED308: Course Development

Weekly Summary:

I have been working on getting my course developed on CourseSites. Luckily, I have some things already saved to my computer that I can use. I am just trying to get my quizzes and other imperative information to include in my module.

Item(s) of Interest:

I am trying to figure out a creative way for my students to post in the blogs and discussion boards. I would like for them to post any questions and concerns pertaining to their poetry in the discussion area and then post their final poems to their blog so that their peers can assess them on the format of their poetry.

Problems or Concerns:

I feel like having the students post to both areas will be too much. I want them to have a blog but I don’t want them to be overwhelmed with what information goes where. I have been apart of classes before when I got frustrated when the same assignment was supposed to be posted to three different areas. I always felt like this was cumbersome and slightly ridiculous in my classes!

October 16

ED 307: Teaching Digital Natives


In Teaching Digital Natives, Marc Prensky has captured the sense of urgency needed in education today with competence. These 21st century skills are needed in our classrooms! Prensky presents important roles of teachers, parents, and learners are outlined in easy-to-follow strategies that make perfect sense. His pedagogical “partnering” with students to promote a new way to teach is priceless for educators working to better meet the needs of all students.

Prensky defines a digital native as the students in teachers’ classrooms today who have grown up using technology and accepting it as part of their everyday lifestyle. In contrast, a lot of educators, administrators and parents find they are digital immigrants, having to conform to technology that they have never seen before and is intimidating. Teaching Digital Natives needs to be read by all educators who strive to meet the emerging demands of our profession dealing with technology.

I grew up in a world when technology was on the rise. I have quickly learned how to use the technology that has been presented in my time and most everyone around me as made the adaption smoothly. There will be a continuous change in technology in the future. I am ready for this and am welcoming it with open arms!

To obtain a copy of this book, you can go to Amazon and find a new or used book. You don’t want to miss out on this!

October 3

ED 308: Engagement

  1. Name of the Assignment: Engagement
  2. Summary of the Work Conducted Since the Last Blog: Since the last blog, I completed my rough draft to my course outline assignment. This assignment has been very engaging and actually, really fun for me. I finally felt like I have been put into a real teacher role as I have developed my course.
  3. Item of Interest: Engaging my students with poetry is going to take some time and effort. I want this class to be fun and worth their time. I’m hoping that I can engage them through certain prompts on what to write about. Some can be serious, some funny, and some just telling a story. I also want to engage them by using instructional videos and lectures about different types of poetry and why poetry is important and relevant to their life.
  4. Problem or Concern:
    I am concerned that my students will lose interest in learning about the poetry. My modules that I have set up are very similar in nature with very few differences. Essentially, each module is set up to introduce the type of poem and then put the students to work by forming their own poem. What else can I do in my modules to engage my students?
September 26

ED 307: Constructivism

Constructivism is a theory that I believe will be the most beneficial to an educator’s classroom. This theory is based around the students learning and thinking critically for themselves. The teachers do less lecturing and more assignments and projects where the students can apply their knowledge to their education. Teachers spend time having more discussions with the students and having question and answer time. This allows the students to brainstorm and begin to think for themselves. The teachers give the students the information and the resources needed to learn, but the teacher becomes part of the learning process with the students. Students are allowed to think in  a way the promotes positive self esteem because there are not right or wrong answers. Students are more excited about learning because they are taking control of the learning process and the teacher is more of a facilitator than a teacher. I love this theory and plan to use it in my classroom! I believe that our students are our future. We need to have them thinking more critically for themselves and really enjoying LEARNING! A traditional classroom is so boring! We need to liven up our classrooms and bring fun back to the educational system!!

September 25

ED 308: Design (Building Community and Collaboration)


This week, I have continued working on my Course Outline assignment plus watching the video of the Crest + technique. The Crest + technique helped me gain effective information on how to construct discussion boards. Students may become bored with discussion boards and may not want to be involved so it is important that the instructors implement the 5 step process of the Crest + technique… the purpose, literary elements, experiential elements, determining the types of questions and constructing the discussion questions.

Item of Interest:

I am wondering what would be the best way to incorporate a discussion board into my Course Outline. I think students could use the discussion board to evaluate other students’ work. It would also be a good area for students to post their work in order to get feedback from others.

Problem or Concern:

I feel like a discussion board would be good for collaboration among the students but, getting them engaged and wanting to do a discussion is the hardest part. I don’t want them to feel like it is “just a part of their grade”. I want them to see the importance of it. What would be a good idea to get them to use the discussion board area without being “made” to do it?

September 18

ED 308: Assessment

Design (Assessment)

This week I have continued working on my Course Outline. I also read the associated readings with this module to gain a better understanding of the Design and Assessment process. As I have been coming up with what I wanted each week to be geared towards, I have been thinking about what assessments I could use in my course.

Item of Interest

I plan for my students to meet once a week during this 6 week course. I’m still debating on whether or not to extend this class by a couple of weeks to allow more time. I want the class time to be used to help each other and even use as part of assessment. I would like for my students to look at their peers’ work and “grade” them based upon technique and it the students are following the specific formats of poetry. Assessments that I plan to use are multiple choice tests to assess general information about poetry and also using their poetry as weekly tests. Students will have to create two poems per type of poetry discussed. They will turn in the one they feel is best to be graded. For the overall assessment, students will create a poetry book. They will demonstrate what they know about each type of poem as far as form and style and also include information of poets who wrote/write in that style. They will provide their poem as an example of that type poem.

Problem or Concern

I am concerned that I will not have enough variation of assessment. I need more ideas for assessments for this class. I’d be open for ANY suggestions!

September 11

ED 308: Course Outline Assignment- ANALYSIS

Week’s Summary:

This week we have been working on creating a Course Outline for that we will continue to develop throughout the ED 308 course. We got to choose a topic of interest to us that we could consider ourselves the “expert” in. We also had to determine how long the class would last and what type of class it would be, whether it was an online only, blended, or strictly in the classroom.

Item of Interest:

The course I am designing is an introduction course for poetry where students will learn about different forms of poetry and will begin to write their own poetry based on the information they learn. There are no prerequisites to this class. However, it is preferred that the students are higher level 9th grade and above students. I want this course to be something that high school students can also take advantage of to go ahead and get some college credit going. To begin this class, I plan to give a brief assessment of poetry vocabulary and a few poems to see if the students can determine what type of poem it is. The grades on the assessment will not be recorded, but it will give me a better understanding of where my students are starting. This course will be an easy course that any student can gain academic achievement in. This course is simply intended to introduce poetry and creating poetry that will be fun for the students.


The only concern I have, is if my high school students will have knowledge or experience using some online software such as animated movies or Prezi Presentation. This is something that can easily be taught but I will have to allow time for those students to introduce themselves to this type of technology in the first week of class, plus beginning the poetry lessons. I may have to extend the course by 1-2 weeks to allow time for this.

September 11

ED 307: The Flipped Classroom

When you Google “flipped classroom” the definition that is given is: The flipped classroom is a pedagogical model in which the typical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed. Short video lectures are viewed by students at home before the class session, while in-class time is devoted to exercises, projects, or discussions.

The flipped classroom is something that I believe is going to change our classroom entirely. I can see myself using a flipped classroom. In the flipped classroom, our students will be able to watch the lecture of the lesson at home. This will also allow parents to watch the lectures with their child and be more involved in the learning process. Many parents are so confused when it comes to homework these days. Sadly, there are many grand parents and great-grandparents that are raising children now and it is especially hard for them to be involved in the child’s education because they truly do not understand the content that is being taught in present day. Allowing our students to listen and watch the lecture from home will hopefully improve parental/guardian involvement in the student’s academic success. After watching the lesson/lecture the night before, the teacher can spend the next day at school reviewing the lesson and helping the students with their “homework”. Homework is when our students need the most help. It is so hard for our students to go home and try to do homework on their own when they do not even understand how to do it in the first place. By doing the homework in school, this allows either one on one time with the teacher, or students can work together to solve problems.

The creators of the “Flipped Classroom” concept were Jonathan Bergman and Aaron Sams. In 2007, they began recording their lectures and posting them online for their students who missed class. Their lectures began to spread like wildfire and administrators and educators began asking them to speak about their teaching method. Since them, other educators have been using online videos and podcasts to teach their students outside of class and began using the class time to collaborate with their students.

The Flipped Classroom has been proven to be a great success so far. Students are learning more and are able to get the extra help needed with the lessons during the day when they have their instructor to elaborate more on the lesson.

I truly see myself using this method when I start teaching. I am so excited about the thought of this!

September 5

ED 307: 21st Century Skills

There are so many things that we could discuss about skills and what it takes to lead a world full of technology….and technology that, most of the time, consumes us. Can you honestly answer how many times you’ve used technology today? Have you been on your phone? Your tablet? Your laptop? These are just a few simple pieces of technology that most of us use on a daily basis but there are many more.

We are going to focus on the question:

What are 21st Century Skills?

There are three different categories that these skills fall under. 1. Learning and Innovation Skills. 2. Information, Media, and Technology Skills. 3. Life and Career Skills. Under the learning and innovation skills falls critical thinking and problem solving; communication and collaboration; and of course, creativity and innovation. I think some of the most important skills that our students need to have is critical thinking and problem solving. If we can push our students to strive to better these skills, we will have a world of great leadership one day. As well as many people who know how to take care of themselves no matter what the situation is. Communication and collaboration is also a key factor. With communication and collaboration, our students learn to respect other people’s opinions and ideas. Our students learn to work together to form one solution to a problem that has all of their ideas put into action.

With Information, Media, and Technology skills,  these are skills our students will learn to be able to access information efficiently and effectively and also evaluate information more critically and competently. Our students will be able to use information accurately and creatively for the problem at hand and manage the flow of information from a wide variety of sources. Students will be able to take media and understand both how and why media messages are constructed and why they are created. Our students will be able to examine how individuals interpret messages differently. While using media, our students will be able to understand and utilize the most appropriate media creation tools. Our students will begin to learn how to apply technology effectively. Students will learn about digital technologies and how they work and understand the ethical and legal issues surrounding digital technology.

Under Life and Career Skills, our students will be learning to be more flexible with their time and with the way they learn. Our world is changing around us each and every day and we all have to be ready for change and be able to adapt to it. Students will also be learning to take more initiative for their education and life. They will be learning to direct themselves in the direction they want to go in life. They are the ones who determine their future! Our students will be learning how to socialize not only with their peers around them, but by communicating with peers their age all around the world. It is so imperative that our students learn this skill because the USA is exchanging with and learning from other countries on a daily basis! Our students need to learn how to communicate properly from people all over the world because they get out in the real world, and their careers, they will be facing communications of all types. Productivity and accountability from our students is going to be crucial. Our students are being pushed to be held accountable for their learning and their education. Students will learn to be more productive in their work by producing more thorough and in depth work where critical thinking took place. On top of all these skills, our students are learning to be leaders. Our students are learning that they are our future! They will be the top dogs one day and it is so very important that they step up and learn how to lead and not just sit back and follow any more.

P21 skills are skills that our students need to have and learn to have in order to make it in our ever so adapting technology world!